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Networking Tool

The Networking Tool is one of the resources offered through the YCreate Peer Mentoring Community Action Toolkit. It makes uses of digital technology to facilitate cooperation between YCreate teams across the EU, and between YCreate teams and their communities helping in identifying, listing and categorising stakeholders in youth participation.

The Networking Tool is a repository of contacts that can enhance collaboratively efforts in counteracting hate speech, behaviour and misinformation through artistic, creative, cultural and digital practices to bring about positive change in the community, promote active citizenship, social cohesion and inclusion driven by youth.


  • Nominate a Tutor who will manage your organisation’s access to the tool (including access to the account credentials)


  • The tutor is responsible for introducing the tool to the local team, supporting brainstorming to identify and search stakeholders, collect information on organisations and add them to the list.​


  • Login into the YCreate Gmail account




  • Choose Maps from the Google Apps List.


  • Click Try Now on the right top corner.



  • Click Menu (top left corner) and select Your Places. You will find a saved list named Youth Participation. You will see that some locations have already been saved and pinned on the map.


  • Click the three dots next to the share icon and select Edit List



  • Click Add Place and insert the address of the organisation you want to add. You have the option to add a short description of the organisation, notes that will help in identifying the scope of its work; notes on the contact person; notes on relevant project; and any other information considered relevant and of use.


  • Add as many organisations as needed in your community, region, country, abroad.


  • Using the Share icon, you can obtain a link and share it with your team members so that all have access to the list.


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