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Understanding Hate Speech

What is hate speech? Explore this intricate topic with sensitivity and creativity.

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Find Hate Speech: Through exploring a current case study , participants will develop their understanding of hate speech, reflect on how their own potential participation in it, and discover ways to combat it.

Sing Hate Speech: A 45-minute workshop using music to identify hate speech.

The Roots of Hate Speech: This experiential workshop develops participants’ understanding of their own biases, and explores the positive and negative effects that stereotypes can have.

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Δήλωση αποποίησης: YCreate è cofinanziato dal programma Erasmus+. I contenuti di questa piattaforma riflettono solo le opinioni degli autori, la Commissione Europea e l'Agenzia Nazionale del Regno Unito non sono responsabili per l'uso che potrebbe essere fatto delle informazioni in essa contenute.

Με την υποστήριξη του Κολάζ Τέχνες ©

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